Getting the digital transformation off the ground is difficult enough, but keeping the momentum going is even harder.
Fill in the gaps
We are transforming from _______ to _______ because we will do ________ better than anyone else for ________.
Most companies fail to link their strategy to their innovation plans. We believe that digital innovation is at the heart of any digital transformation strategy. Its purpose is not to develop a breakthrough, revolutionary app that will transform the industry. Its purpose is to find answers to the diagnosed “unknowns” that emerge in the strategy.
Often, the process of design thinking is applied to all problems as if the process itself will produce magic. In the early stages of digitization, it is the wrong tool for the job. While design thinking is a beautiful process to use at the right time, it is only a small part of developing a culture of digital innovation. And we know that digital innovators grow faster than those who take random digital actions.
When the strategy for digital transformation is developed using old-school management consulting approaches, innovation is usually an afterthought, an additional item on the agenda. That’s why most digital transformation efforts do not pay off.
Digital transformation frameworks for digital innovation help connect workforce design, connection via data to transformation strategy, commercial/service design, and customer experience. The result is the visible output that the transformation project needs.
If digital transformation is sustainable, flexible tools and guidance are needed that go far beyond design thinking. Before you dive in and start planning all your digital transformation-related activities, read more about the 4 main types of digital transformation. You’ll find that not every type of digital transformation is suitable for your organization.
How do you support ongoing digital transformation?
To stay modern and satisfy your customers with up-to-date products and services, your digital transformation journey needs to include:
Constant innovation
Competitive advantage can only be maintained by introducing innovations and modern approaches.
Change management
Change management can help you see the bigger picture of digitalization.
The diverse use of technology
Sticking to battle-tested technology is a good idea, but judicious use of the latest technologies such as AI, VR, Big Data, cloud, mobile, IoT, and blockchain will help you add real value to your business operations. We’ve already talked about the technologies of digital transformation in one of our previous articles! Check it out and learn more about how big data reveals new digital transformation opportunities!
Evolve your analytics to build a data-driven business
By leveraging AI and advanced data analytics tools, your business can experience a whole new predictive modeling and customization level. Deciphering and analyzing your data will help you improve the customer experience, streamline operations, and quickly launch new products and services.
Apply a roadmap for digital transformation
Any significant change campaign needs a clear roadmap for digital transformation. The plan should be comprehensive and detail how the new approaches and technologies align with your business goals. Set your goals, estimates, and milestones.
Step by step to digital transformation
A digital transformation strategy is critical for businesses. Here is some advice to consider before creating and applying your digital transformation strategy:
- Set business goals
The point is to separate a business objective from a technology objective. Understand the business value of your digital channels. - Document the risks
The risks are the same as when launching a major new application or releasing a product. - Conduct pilot tests
This will help you determine how the new technology will impact your business and your key KPIs. - Get feedback from your users, colleagues, and a focus group.
- Implement new technology throughout the product, so there is no misunderstanding about continuing the pilot. Rely on the analysis you have done before and the pilot testing you have done.
- Analyze the impact
Continue to monitor the rollout to ensure everyone is happy with the results.
We’re aware that digital transformation is a complex process and completely unique to every single organization. For that reason, we’ve created a 7-step guide to starting your digital transformation journey. Feel free to check it out and contact us for more help!
Here’s a short, educational video we’d like you to watch, revolving around the topic of digital transformation frameworks.
For any other concerns and questions, please contact us, and together we will overcome any obstacle.
P.S. We encourage you to find out more about Digital Transformation Frameworks
Thanks for reading 🙂